Illinois Junior Beef Tour


Learn about careers within the beef industry in Illinois! 

The Illinois Beef Association is proud to to bring back this event, developed to help junior members identify a career path that interests them. Participants will tour lucrative cattle operations and industry hotspots. Each tour stop has been hand-selected to give participants a well-rounded look into the careers that exist within the cattle industry right here in Illinois. Tour participants will get a behind-the-scenes look into careers in academia, reproduction, risk management, nutrition, packing, and veterinary medicine, all to see what career opportunities could await them! Participants will also receive resume-building and interview tips. Our goal is to help IJBA members identify a career of interest and build their toolkit to ensure they are able to obtain that career for the long-term sustainability of the Illinois cattle industry. 


 May 29-30, 2024


Illinois Junior Beef Association Member

15-21 Years Old


Free to IJBA members!

 Apply now 

WIU Logo

Stop #1

Western Illinois University

The Western Illinois University school of Agriculture offers a wide array of opportunities to it's students. From a diverse class selection, state of the art Livestock Center, annual bull test sale, and a competitive livestock judging team, there is something for every cattle kid looking to make the most of their college experience.

On the 2nd day, participants will sit through a career panel with industry professionals. This panel will focus on setting participants up for success in their immediate future, and long-term career. 

River Oak Ranch

Stop #2

River Oak Ranch

Home of one of the states premiere grazers. Trevor, Toland, and Carson Welsh operate an intensive grazing operation in rural Macomb. River Oak Ranch is dedicated to environmental stewardship and creating a sustainable income from grazing cattle thoughtfully.

Hancock Vet Clinic Logo

Stop #3

Hancock Veterinary Clinic

The clinics Carthage location offers impressive cattle working facility with dedicated doctors and staff. HVC stays busy with large and small animal business. Learn about obtaining a career in Veterinary Medicine and hear about HVC's cattle business.

DearWester Logo

Stop #4

Dearwester Grain

Dearwester Grain is the leading feed supplies in Western Illinois with numerous locations to serve customers. Hear from the knowledgeable staff about careers in animal nutrition, and the symbiotic relationship of buying grain and milling feed. 

Fairview Logo

Stop #5

Fairview Sale Barn 

They have a long history of serving cattle producers in Illinois. As a leading auction market, experience the barn on sale day, and hear from the owners Jake and Laura Fidler about the business of operation at a livestock sale barn. Participants will also get the inside scoop about the Livestock Marketing Association (LMA) and the work they do to support local markets. 

Lowderman Logo

Stop #6

Lowderman Cattle Company

LCC is not stranger to the seedstock industry. They have a long history in the Hereford business and has contributed greatly to the seedstock sector of the Illinois Beef Industry. Participants will tour the operation, hear from several family members, learn about internship opportunities, and more! Cody Lowderman will also touch on the business of auctioneering. 

2023 In review

ISU Logo

Stop #1

Illinois State University 

Learn about careers in academia, the growing ISU Agriculture Program,  tour the University, and hear from industry professionals. 

PVF Logo

Stop #2

Prairie View Farm

Visit with a family that needs no introduction. The Miller family has an elite cow herd and sage business advice for young adults. Learn about cow families, bovine reproduction, and more! 

Adams Family

Stop #3

The Duzan Agency & Cattle Backgrounding 

Thinking outside the box has kept Dave Duzan in the cattle business his entire life. Learn about opportunities that exist in multiple areas of the beef industry. 

Earlybird Logo

Stop #4

Earlybird Feed & Fertilizer 

Receive the inside "scoop" from nutritionists, feed salesmen, and the marketing team at Earlybird Feed and Fertilizer. 

Raber Logo

Stop #5

Raber Packing Co. 

An entire industry that is critically important to the cattle industry. Get a tour of Raber Packing Co.'s state-of-the-art facilities and hear from the owner, Buddy Courdt. 

Timbercrest Logo

Stop #6

Timbercrest Veterinary Services 

Hear about the realities of pursuing a career in animal medicine, the importance of a herd health plan, and more!